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The MoneyFester™ - MINDSET
Mindset Beliefs
Your point of view and beliefs are everything regarding wealth creation, success, and business.
Your beliefs tremendously impact your ability to create wealth through your business. You will never attain what you cannot see yourself doing and being.
This will be true if you believe that generating sustainable wealth through your business is impossible.
This is not esoteric or fictional because if you do not believe it is possible, you are not ready to build wealth through your business.
Greater the Self-Worth - Higher Net Worth
Why is Money Mindset so Important?
MONEY and ABUNDANCE are at the heart of all of our career, life, and relationship decisions.
Whether we view the world through the lens of abundance or scarcity, a money mindset dictates our beliefs about what it takes to be happy, how we define success, how hard we work to get it, and even our self-worth.
Raise your hand if you want money, fulfilled work, and more time and energy outside of work to spend on making memories with the people you love.
80% of success is Mindset
Success is achieved through a plan that is 80% psychological and 20% strategic.
First and foremost, your mind has to be set smart.
Establish a healthier outlook that makes executing a more innovative strategy far simpler. Psychology either makes or breaks you, so it is imperative to have a robust system that enables you to stay on target.

Leaders spend 5% of their time on the problem and 95% on the solutions.
Crush it!
Identify your problem but give your energy and power to the solutions.
5% on the problem &
95% on the solution
Money is a symbol ath echos something inside us
Who Are We
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